5 characteristics of Business English coaches

Burkley Global Business English Coaching
Burkley Global offers enjoyable English Coaching environments

Online Business English coaches are a dime a dozen. You can do an online search for these service providers and find hundreds in an instant. Yet how do you as prospective client select from the seemingly countless possibilities?

Because there are so many Business English coaches, you have to choose one carefully. Therefore, you have to look out for these 5 characteristics:

1. Credibility

You are spoiled for choice when it comes to Business English coaches. Therefore, look at what other people have to say about them first. Read at the testimonials people post. Look at Facebook and Google ratings and testimonials. Examine the online presence of English Business coaches. Most importantly, analyze their website content and volumes.

2. Client focus

Secondly, make some enquiries about the central focus of Business English coaches. Is it student-centered? Does it look as if their main interest is making a quick buck? Look at their policy regarding syllabus and lesson structure. Are they led by the needs, interests, and competencies of the particular student? Or do they have a one-size-fits-all, shotgun approach? Do they tailor their sessions to address the specific needs and wants of their clients?

3. Flexibility

Further to the previous bullet point: Does the service provider practise flexibility in its sessions with clients? Does it take various circumstances into account in programmes and during sessions, also on an ad hoc basis? An example is a person who is reasonably competent in English. This person has a job interview the following week. He just needs some guidance during one or two sessions to help him or her prepare for that specific event. Or the non-native speaker who has difficulty communicating with an English-speaking colleague or boss. This person may need a number of coaching sessions to address these issues. Can the prospective Business English coach fulfil these needs, and fill it immediately if required?

4. Balance

Depending on your particular needs, you may want to look at a service provider for more than just grammar or vocabulary training. Look for one that understands the balance between the two elements of Business English, namely business and English. Are the coaches all English teachers with little or no experience outside the classroom? Is there a substantial element of business experience? Or are they all self-proclaimed business coaches with very little or no training or experience in the complexities of non-native language coaching? The good English Business service provider will have the necessary background and experience to give you the variety and balance you need. Look at their website to see what programmes they offer. Also, look at what materials they have available for you, and what interests them and their clients through the articles they publish.

5. Professionalism

Lastly, look at the professional approach of your prospective online Business English coach. Is their website filled with frivolous content? Is the website content and material of a high standard? Take a look at their own academic qualifications. Also look at their work experience to get a feel for their professional approach.

Burkley Global has been able to build up a reputation as the go-to guys for Business English coaching. This is because we adhere to all the criteria of a good service provider in the industry. Click here to register for one of our unique programmes.

Ready to give it a go? Then sign up here for your free, no-obligation trial lesson today!

Read here what Business English is all about: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_English