16 days of activism- what hogwash!

Thousands of organizations across the globe are demanding (“demanding” – really, it sounds like a labour union) an end to violence in their communities as part of the 2012 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign. On November 25, 2012 the Center for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL) at Rutgers University will launch the 16 Days Campaign to call for an end to gender-based violence and appeal to governments to respond, protect, and prevent violence against women.

16? NO – 365 days. Stop the violence now, and every day

The 16 Days Campaign begins on International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (November 25) and ends on International Human Rights Day (December 10), to emphasize that such violence is a human rights violation. This year’s Campaign theme, From Peace in the Home to Peace in the World: Let’s Challenge Militarism and End Violence Against Women!, highlights the role that militarism plays in perpetuating violence against women and girls.
Violence kills and disables as many women between the ages of 15 and 44 as cancer, and its toll on women’s health surpasses that of traffic accidents and malaria combined.
I believe the 16 days of activism is hogwash! Violence against women should be stopped every day! The 16 days may give the organisers a warm feeling, but it will not help to stop it. What then will help?

  • All men must set an example of being non-violent to women
  • Punishment should include life sentences and castration
  • Our political leaders and role models should stop their abuse against women
  • Teach boys to respect girls at school, teachers to set the example
  • Start a full time campaign and PR against such violence

Come on guys! You are passionate to make your boys so-called men by taking them for hunting trips, rugby games and other “men” activities. Rather make them human, descent and teach them to respect women! Only REAL men treat women with the respect they deserve. Start treating you wife, girl friend, daughter, female colleagues and women in general like you should.