Are what you think, say and do in harmony?

Harmony is an alignment or congruence among four elements: what we say, what we think, what we feel and what we do. When there is harmony, alignment, and congruence between our thoughts, feelings, actions and words we experience an inner and outer sense of peace, called harmony.

Are you happy?

Consider the following life areas and reflect on whether you feel in, or out of, harmony with each is the way you feel about, the way you think about, the way you act around (or about) and the way you speak about each of the following in alignment, congruent, harmonious?

  • Your finances
  • Your career and livelihood
  • Your relationships at work
  • Your (love) partnership and intimacy
  • Your personal environment and organization
  • Your personal, professional and spiritual development
  • Your health and wellness
  • Your family and friends
  • Your play and recreation

When you are not in harmony, are there disconnects in the way you think, feel, speak about or act with respect to any of these life areas? For example, do you feel one way or think one way about money and yet treat money, or relate to money, in a way that is counter to the way you think and feel? Is your behavior towards your co-workers in sync with the way you talk about them to others, or think about them? And your relationship with your partner? Does harmony flow through your relationship? What’s your music like? Are the notes off? Do you experience harmony or disharmony? I often find the people who are the most distressed, upset, overwhelmed, frustrated, bored, lost and confused are those whose music is out of tune, whose life is full of bad notes, whose music and notes are not on the same page. Further, when we are not in harmony with others, it’s because we are not in harmony with ourselves. When one is in harmony with oneself, one is often in harmony with others at work, at home and at play.
(Source: Peter G. Vajda, Ph.D, C.P.C. is the founder of True North Partnering an Atlanta-based company that supports conscious living through coaching and facilitating.)