There are only 3 ways to maximum profit – cut expenses, sell more products or increase the price of your …
Benefits of buying an existing business
Want your own business? Should you buy an existing business? What are the benefits of buying a running concern? Within …
"An A-team is the only chance of success in business" – Perfect System
Another one of the basic principles of the Perfect System is to appoint the very best quality staff members. A …
You have to do something scary today
“Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” …
5 simple ways to generate great ideas
Do you want to get ahead in business? One sure-fire way is through ideas. Ideas come to us every day, …
Rough seas are good, yes really
“A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor” This probably means that a rough sea will be able to make …
Entrepreneur’s Credo
ENTREPRENEUR’S CREDO BY THOMAS PAINE, 1776 I do not choose to be a common man, It is my right to be …
Marketing AND Sales = People AND Women
What is marketing? Marketing is probably one of the most confusing and misused (or rather abused) words in business. Many …
After starting it is plain sailing ….
“Everyone wants to start their own business” I have always believed this statement to be true. And I still do. …
Entrepreneurs do not have to be young
This post was written by Nida Broughton and Kitty Ussher and appeared on The word “entrepreneur” – especially in the internet …