Break all unjust rules to achieve profit

There are many unjust rules and laws in our country, especially those governing the entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship should be encouraged, not discouraged. The economy and all the people in any society benefit from business that is created by entrepreneurs. Away with all the regulations, rules, laws and what not that is an obstacle to entrepreneurs. Let the best man, or woman, get the business, not the one that is well connected.

Laws that are unjust has to be broken

Besides the word tradition, ‘tenderpreneur’ really gets my blood boiling. There is NO “entrepreneur’ in this word. It is a wrong concept, meaning well connected, opportunistic, fraudulently, false person getting contracts without one inch of any skills. And the sad thing is, these “people” get business under certain laws and regulations. They are unjust, uncalled for, and should be eradicated permanently.
We should all stand together and have none of this bull. Real entrepreneurs unite. We owe it to our society. No more shoddy workmanship, poor quality roads, schools without books, computer systems that do not work, hospital that are unoperational. No, let us stop this unethical behaviour. We should start creating real value – to each and every citizen of this great country. Profit is a reward, only to those that deserve it. To deserve it you need to deliver a superior product or service, and at a price that is competitive and speaks of value for money.