Do business like a Titan – or start looking for a job

similarities between sport and business
Do business like a Titan

On 19 June 2013 I was honoured to be the guest speaker at a Centurion Business Forum function. The function was professionally hosted by the Northerns Cricket Union at SuperSport Park in Centurion. (Thanks to CEO Jacques Faul and Marketing & Events Manager Patricia Kambarami)
With a number of Titan players and seasoned business owners in the audience, I had to choose my topic carefully in order to be relevant yet informative and entertaining. Thus – no pressure!

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Thomas A. Edison

I started off with this quote and then searched for a quote of a sportsman that says essentially the same thing.
You’ve just gotta love the sport stars – Michael Jordan hit back hard with the following:

“I’ve missed more than 9 000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” Michael Jordan

This set the scene to compare the similarities between sport and business. My research into this topic quickly showed many similarities –  Drive, Ambition, Goal-Directed , Focus, Discipline, Confidence, Mental Toughness and Resilience.
The lessons learned from sport that is directly applicable to business are:

  • It starts with leadership (Sport team management – CEO and executive team)
  • It is an A team effort (the best players – the best staff) / (the best coach – the best management)
  • Raise the bar (you are as good as your last game – your are as good as your last sale)
  • Be true to your customers (always remember your fans – give your best to your customers)
  • Role model (the ultimate inspirational sport stars – the successful business man)

The message was – if you are not willing to do business like a Titan (One that is extraordinarily large and powerful), then maybe you should seriously consider looking for a job.

Get Prof Gary to give your audience an informative, straight talking and entertaining experience at your next next function, seminar, team building, conference or network session in South Africa or anywhere else accessible by aeroplane. Send your details and interest to [email protected]