Hold on tight to your dream, and make it a reality

“Hold on tight to your dream. When you see the shadows falling. When you hear that cold wind calling. Hold on tight to your dream.” (Lyrics from Hold on tight to your dream by ELO)
When you were a child you were told to hold on to your dreams no matter what. Maybe that belief of yours changed now that you’re a grown up? Well, what your parents or your elders taught you back then are probably the best advice they gave you. Don’t let anybody stop you from reaching your dreams because you only have limited chances. Your dream can never be changed by anyone except you. Anyway, you will never make your dream a reality if you listen to the people negative energy now, would you? Be tough and stand tall even if you are bombarded with problems. You will only reach your dreams if you put your heart into it.
Don’t listen to losers!

You can have the most amazing, revolutionary, creative idea and no matter how good it is, there is a guarantee almost as if by some unwritten law of the universe, that someone (and likely someone you know well) is going to try and stop you.
Ungrounded criticism is present in many people. Some people are most comfortable putting others down and trying to keep them there. It can be absolutely crushing to the one on the receiving end, as well as to their dreams. Many succumb to the stress and pressure of what others might think of them. And for what? For striving to be better, to have more, to become something other than mediocre? Don’t let someone who gave up on their dreams talk you out of going after yours.
The most successful businessmen and -women have something in common. They did not allow the nay-sayers to stop them from going forward and following their dreams.
Some affirmations:

  • I will grab each and every opportunity that is right for ME
  • I have no fear for failure
  • Nike says it best “Just do it”
  • I will only listen to those who have achieved their own dreams
  • My dreams will make me take chances, and chances will bring even more opportunities.
  • “The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say I cannot do.” (Walter Bagehot)