Flood your business with customers

No matter what your business, marketing your products and services is critical to success…regardless of the economy.  In tough times most businesses cut back on marketing, yet, if businesses continued to market and market effectively in the tough times, then they would grab more market share and leave their competition in the dust.

Many businesses fail because they fail to understand marketing.  And with increased competition in business today, every businessman and woman must either become an expert in the practice of cost-effective marketing, or hire an expert marketing consultant to help.

Hopefully this is not happening in your business
Hopefully this is not happening in your business

The purpose of being in business is to create customers, which in turn creates cash flow.  The success or failure of the marketing strategy determines the success or failure of the company.  If your company is succeeding, it’s because your marketing strategy is good.  If your company is failing, it’s because your marketing strategy is poor.

In my coaching and consulting business I’ve discovered, after studying hundreds of businesses from one-person companies to the top corporations, that they all have in common some basic fundamental marketing principles that can make a business successful.

Serve your clients so well that they are inclined to “brag” about your business to others.  Think about this.   How often have you gone into a business and really been served in an extraordinary fashion?  I mean, the people there were all totally concerned with what your needs were, and they couldn’t wait to help you.  When you get service like this, don’t you tell others about it?  Of course you do!  Why?  Because your interaction with that business far exceeded your expectations.

If you deliver more in value than you’re paid in rands, then your chances for success will be dramatically enhanced.

How can you accomplish this?  How can you make dealing with your company a pleasant, empowering experience?

Here are a number of questions to ask yourself to determine how well you are doing when it comes to creating a positive impact with your customers and clients:

  • Is my product or service the best it can be?
  • Am I prepared to handle an increase in the number of customers generated by my marketing plan, smoothly and efficiently?
  • Does the physical appearance of my business and of all my products, packaging and other materials encourage my customers to trust my skills?
  • Is my pricing clear, complete, and fair?
  • Are the people around me, including employees, suppliers, friends, and even those who dislike me, treated as honestly and professionally as possible?
  • Can I clearly describe my business and can my customers and suppliers do the same?
  • Do my customers know as much as they want about my products or services, including what is superior and unique about the way I conduct my business?
  • Do I schedule and carry out marketing activities on a regular basis?

By answering these questions honestly, you will discover ways in which you can improve your service to your customers and suppliers.