Its Friday, stop what does not make you happy

It’s the weekend baby! From today, do more of what makes you happy. And never, ever, apologise for it. What will make you happy? Not always an easy answer. Do you like socialising, working with old people, browsing the Internet, taking family or nature photos, creating an artwork, solving complicated problems, sharing your knowledge with others?

Self explanatory

Can you really do it? What about your work and family commitments? Yeah, what about them?
In a previous post I mentioned that starting a business is one of the most rewarding, satisfying and worthwhile things to do. So can you not then combine the thing/s that make you happy with a business? Off course you can, and you should. Stop working for a living, and start enjoying life by doing what makes you happy. I do not believe life is short – mainly because I do not know anything that is longer. But start using your time wisely. Do not remain in a job that is frustrating you, that is not fulfilling, that does not excite you. You can start a business that will motivate you, invigorate you and that will benefit so many others. Make your hobby or passion your work. Take beautiful photos and cash in, start an events planning business, get singles together, bake or cook, organise exotic trips, produce beautiful furniture, or whatever turns you on.
Its Friday, stop what does not make you happy, and continue with it the rest of your life.

One Comment to “Its Friday, stop what does not make you happy”

  1. I really appreciate this article on this stage of my life! Thank you once again for the insight … an eye and heart opener. Montel once said – ‘Live with no excuses and love with no regrets’. I live for the moment, in the moment everyday – living my life like this makes me happy!

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