Change careers – unless you honestly like what you are doing

My father used to tell his children that when it comes to choosing a career, do what you really enjoy. Do not go for the high paying careers, unless of course you can honestly say that is your interest and that is what you like doing.

No explanation needed

Now I am no fan of Steve Jobs. But he did create some remarkable products at the fruit company he was heading. It is clear that he enjoyed what he was doing – and was pretty good at it.
I am glad I followed my dad’s advice – and what Jobs said 20 years later. Like most boys from my era I was adamant to become a fireman, a pilot or a rocket scientist. Now I am grateful that sanity prevailed and I did not become the first, because it is too dangerous, the second because it is too boring and the last, well…. you needed to be brilliant. So I studied business instead. This direction was suggested by the institute that tested my aptitude. I was told to investigate the various disciplines of the BCom degree that was offered at the time. Again I believe I chose the right direction – creative marketing, instead of the, ever so dull, counting of beans. I was told that the money is real good in the bean environment, especially if you get that two letter final qualification. (I have heard that the newer three letter qualifications are still being frowned upon – especially by those with the two letter qualification). But I decided to rather go for the most important discipline in any company – the one where you work for the people paying everyone’s salary and the only function in any business that generates money. Yes, of course you need someone to count the money, but that is after the fact. First you need to make money! If the marketers do not create any sales, well then, there is no money to count, and thus no job for the department that essentially works for SARS.
Now that I have insulted many of my subscribers, let me apologise. I am sorry. Well not really. The point I am making is that you should do what you LOVE (even if that means counting beans). There is place in the sun for everyone. Just do your job extremely well – and this can only be done if you find pleasure in what you are doing.
Don’t settle for anything but that ideal job that puts a smile on your face, keeps you motivated and that adds value to, firstly your own being and secondly, to the rest of the world.
Get out of the groove – stop doing what you are doing. Time waits for no man, or woman. Do it today!