Man-Up, Fix It, or Go Home

It’s not that I hate the word “turnaround”. I don’t particularly like it either. It suggests that you’ve made a bad mistake! Who wants to make mistakes… right?
Imagine you’re driving on the highway to a party, it’s late, your wife’s been on your case since you left the house 2 hours ago…
“We’re going to be late… we’re ALWAYS late… what are we going to do?”
And then it comes… What are you doing? – Turnaround! – you’ve been going the wrong way… I told you so!
I HATE it when that happens!

Getting back to business.
The word “turnaround”, specifically in the context of “turning a business around” is used EVERYDAY by companies who are in trouble and realize it.
Some, unfortunately, realize it too late – For example: The bank manager calls at 6 o’clock in the morning. “Chris, this is John – Yes… good morning to you too… what the hell is going on…You are overdrawn by R999 000  this morning – this is not going to work! I want to see you in my office, NOW!”
Clearly our friend Chris is in BIG trouble and his company made a BIG mistake! He phones his second-in-command at 6:05.
“I’m going to be in the office at 7:30. Make sure EXCO is there – yes everyone – There’s BIG trouble – we need to turn this thing around!”
Turning your business around suggests that the business should take certain steps to correct what went wrong. They want to turn around AND go back on the same route they came from.
Stupid!  – What do you want to do? Turn around to see where you went wrong? Turn around to make another mistake? Turn around to take the second turn-off instead of the first without knowing where it will lead you?
Unfortunately this is EXACTLY what happens in 81% of all cases. That is why so many businesses fail to TURN themselves AROUND. Yes, they buy a little time but that’s all. They eventually break forever – beyond repair.
Here is why!
The same people – EXCO – who broke it in the first place won’t fix it! Well at least in 98.7% of the cases they won’t! They won’t because they can’t and, even worse, they will never accept that THEY were responsible for breaking the business in the first place.
It’s like an alcoholic that blames his mother and father for his drinking problem! OR worse – he thinks he doesn’t have a problem!
I’ve been studying this phenomenon for the last 32 years – It was an amazing journey.  I’m writing this report to you today to share with you what I’ve learned.
If your business is doing well and you are on the right track – GOOD – don’t bother reading this report any further, it’ll just be a complete waste of your time.
But – if you think that the business you’ve spent your entire life building, brick by brick, is going to break then I suggest you take your phone off the hook right now and read what I’m about to share with you because tomorrow might be too late!
My name is Professor Gary F and I’m a Turnaround-Specialist!  Aha!… there’s that word again!…  I wish I could use another word so here it is: – The Perfect System Specialist!
I’m for hire but only to those CEO’s with balls!
I don’t waste my time anymore with people in management who think someone else has caused the problem.
Man-up and I’ll help you FIX what you broke.  If you can’t man-up, go home.
Being an Entrepreneur is the hardest job there is on this planet – bar NONE.
–       Less that 5% make it.
–       less that 2% get rich from it.
–       99% blame circumstances when things go wrong.
–       1 % man-up and retire very rich indeed!
What are YOU going to do?

4 Comments to “Man-Up, Fix It, or Go Home”

  1. This is a very informative blog and will certainly help those who have had similar experiences in business.

  2. Thanks for your positive feedback HJ. Please visit my blog for regular updates.

  3. I wish more people had the gut to say what you are saying. Great info! Thanks

  4. Thanks TCG. Glad there is some appreciation for straight talk. Not everyone is as mature as you. Keep reading.

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