Marketing is more important than finance.. or HR

There is an age old debate in business. What is the most important function in any business? Is it finance, operations, human resources, operations or marketing? Let me help settle this debate, once and for all!
Now depending in which division you are, you will most likely want to believe that the one you are working in is the most important.

Deabte closed: Marketing is the MOST important function
Debate closed: Marketing is the MOST important function

Well if you guessed that marketing is the most important function – you are right. My apologies, Mr Chartered Accountant, finance is NOT the most important function. Without a marketing function there is NO business. Now you can get away without HR or finance, but NEVER without marketing. OK, to be honest, a business also need them, but put bluntly: NO marketing = NO sales and therefor NO income. If there is NO income, then obviously the business is unable to pay for the other quasi functions.
Marketing is also the function that deals with the customer. Now do not let me spell out what a business isĀ  WITHOUT customers. Marketing has to ensure that a product or service is developed that will satisfy a certain group of customers (target market). Again, NO product (or service) = NO business.
Do I need to carry on? I thought not. I think I have made a strong argument to back up my statement: “Marketing IS the most important function in a business”
So what is the point I am making? If you want to start a profitable business, or maintain or increase profitability in an existing business, you need to focus on marketing. Appoint the very best marketing staff available. Motivate them, look after them, and pay them well. Good marketing people is hard to come by, and you cannot afford to lose them.
Prof Gary is a specialist Marketing Coach. He has helped many individuals and companies get their business off the ground and flying by introducing his popular Perfect Marketing System (PMS). This integrated system is based on simple, but extremely effective, principles. If you are ready to listen and introduce the PMS into your business or start-up, then click HERE.