Mediocrity needs NO coach .. or anything else for that matter.

Mediocre: of moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performance : ordinary, so-so or as thy say in French: “Comme ci, comme ça”.

MEDIOCRITY: Set the bar low enough and everybody is exceptional!

Surely no one wants to be mediocre? Nobody wants to be “ordinary” or just “so-so”. Or do they? If I look around me, it seems many people are mediocre – whether they want to be is another question. Maybe they are happy just being ordinary (or common?). If so – I am happy for them. Everyone is free to choose the life they want to live. For these people I have good news – to stay mediocre is quite easy – just keep on doing the same old thing – day-after-day, year-after-year. Do not try new things, do not change careers, do not study anything else, do not meet new people, do not try new adventures. It is simple – same-old-same old. No stress, no excitement, no interruptions, no NOTHING. Set the bar low enough and everybody is exceptional!
For those of you that are not content with being mediocre – I have GREAT news. You do not have to be run-of-the-mill, or 8 to 5 as I call it. There are many ways to make your life interesting – you can learn a new skill, you can excel at what you are currently doing, you can introduce a number of exciting adventures into your life. There is only ONE condition. You have to WANT to excel. Make that decision today, and never look back. I can guarantee you that it will be the most exciting part of your life. Your ONLY regret will be that you did not make this decision years ago.
If you are a sports fan, you probably have one or more “heroes”, if you are not, but prefer to spent your time reading about great business men, or artists, or philanthropists, or scientists – then you also have “heroes” or people you admire and respect.  The one thing all these “heroes” have in common is that they have one, or more, coach. Whether it is a sports coach, a life coach, a speech coach or a business coach. They all have coaches! They are not mediocre, and they realise that they need a coach to help them excel.
It is just human nature – if you really want to be the best, if you want to be extraordinary, if you want to be exceptional –  you need someone to raise the bar for you. Because, setting the bar low enough makes everybody exceptional. And YOU do not want to be everybody. You are unique and you want to perform at you maximum level, you want to develop your skills fully. Mediocrity is NOT for you, you will never be mediocre.
If you want to know if a coach is right for you, ask yourself these questions: -Do I want more from life but am not sure how to attain it? -Do I often fail before I get very far into my plan? -Am I less than passionate about getting out of bed in the morning? A coach might be the key to helping you unlock the life and success that you want and deserve. Actually, it’s when someone wants to the absolute best at something – after they have already committed to attaining excellence – where coaching really is beneficial.
Answer the following question: Do I want to be fulfilled, perform at my optimum level, experience new, high levels of achievement? If you answer in the affirmative, then get yourself a coach TODAY.
Prof Gary has many years experience as coach and mentor. Check out some of the videos on