New year – new options or merely same old same old?

Welcome to 2013! Big deal. It is just another year. And if you do not change anything it will be just like 2012 or 2011. Same old, same old. It is up to YOU to bring new excitement and new energy to your experience this year. Ask not what your family (friends, employer, etc) can do for you, but rather what can YOU do for yourself and the world. What value will YOU add? Will you still be working the same old job, support the same old sport team, have the same old hobbies and interests, have the same old qualifications, visit the same old places…?

It is YOUR choice whether 2013 will be happy

2013 is just that – a number. Hopefully you do not think that 13 is unlucky (then you may as well believe in the stork, fairy tales, and that the ANC will not rule SA this year). Nothing NEW will come of the year unless YOU make it happen. What is scary about this is that YOU have a major responsibility. Yes YOU, nobody else. So if you really believe in making resolutions, then remember this – do things differently, create excitement, enter virgin territory, gain new experience. New options expose themselves once you have made the decision to move on from the past. Ever since I have terminated my contract with a large company, I have been inundated with wonderful alternatives. Am I not scared of the new year? Of course I am, but I am also very excited, have new found energy and know that things will be great, as long as I keep on driving and searching. I will meet new people, see new places and gain new (not repeated) experience.
So here is a question for you. What will 2013 hold for you? Are you sitting passively (doing the same old crap year in and year out) or are you reaching out for a fulfilling year? The great thing is that it is only up to you to decide. So stop blaming your wife, husband, family, the country, the government, your employer, the postman or dog. YOU and only YOU are in charge and the master of your own destiny for 2013, and beyond.
So I will not wish you a happy new year – but rather my wish is that YOU make the new year happy.
So, what will you do to make 2013 unforgetable???