NO money? NO excuse!

So often we hear: “To make money, you need lots of money”.  This is disputable, because you can in fact start a business with very little money. Many businesses can be started off with less than R5 000. Research has shown that access to financing does NOT feature high on the list of reasons why people do not start a business. Yet, so many people use this as an excuse. Be creative when starting up your business. Instead of buying new equipment, buy it second hand. You also do not need to get everything up front, acquire it, as you need it. Do you really need a printer? Instead, use the facility at the nearest PostNet. (Great challenge – run your office paperless) Need a delivery vehicle? Most businesses only require this facility once or twice a week. Why not rent a vehicle on these days? Or pay a pensioner to do the deliveries for you. Point is – be creative.
Most important of all is that there are many investors out there who are eager to invest in great business opportunities. Many successful businessmen and women in the world today started with very little capital of their own. So, if you can come up with a great idea, getting access to money is NOT the biggest problem. So there you are!
NO money is NO EXCUSE! So what is your excuse now? Start your own business today.