Open letter to those too scared to start a business

I am writing this letter to you this morning to help you.
I understand that you are interested in starting your own business and by now I think everyone have answered all or most of your questions.  I am also sure that by now you understand that there are always risks when you start your own business, irrespective of whether it is a brand new business or an established franchise. You have also confirmed this in our conversations.

Too scared to start a business? Get over it!

Here is the truth. Statistics show that only ONE in ten who start a business will make it, the rest will fail. Yes, the other nine will be hard working, earnest and ambitious in their own way, but to them a step-by-step manual or business plan is just that, another manual, another course, another book.
They read but they don’t see, they listen but they don’t hear. But ONE in ten will make it. One in ten knows what they want in life and they get it. They know they need to practice, and they practice their business skills all the time. They know the only certainty in life is change. They seek and find answers to new challenges every day.and they succeed. 

Will everyone be successful? No definitely not. So who has the best chance of success? Who will make it? The truth is we don’t know. 

But here is another way to look at it and most successful businessmen will agree with the following statement: 

Entrepreneurs never fail in the true sense. Yes, they make mistakes 4 out of 5 times. But they don’t care, they learn new skills all the time, mostly from their own mistakes, and then they move on. 

Personally I can tell you these truths from many years of experience. 

People who believe in themselves – they are the ones that will succeed. People who know that, if they fail, it is their own doing and just another lesson in life – they will succeed.
People who can see an opportunity immediately and take it – they will succeed. 
People who take calculated risks and have the guts to implement their plans – they will succeed. And there are many more…

Let me tell you who will NOT succeed or make it in their own business:

People who always look for guarantees in life – they will fail; There are no guarantees in life. People who cannot make hard decisions quickly – they will fail; It is the decisions we make that bring success to our lives and the lives of others.
People who do not trust and believe in themselves – they will fail; Deep down you need to KNOW you will make it. If you don’t, you won’t. And there are many more…
Ask yourself this question today: In what group are YOU right now? How do you feel about this opportunity after months of investigation, asking questions and getting answers and spending hours reading emails and typing letters. 
By now your GUT feeling is the feeling you need to listen to – nothing else.   

If the capital investment is going to “break” you, then rather leave it to those who have already learned a valuable lesson and secret in life. Here is the secret: Success comes to those who can manage their own affairs.  Those are also people who can manage their own business calmly and rationally. Successful entrepreneurs have the ability to follow the rules, play the game and are willing to learn from others. They take risks and deal with it and learn from it. 

The above is good advice, very good indeed.

Letter thanks to: