Remember: You are not on a Kawasaki

To change or not to change? That is really not the question. Forget the question – you have no choice! You HAVE to change to remain relevant. This is as true for an individual as it is for each and every business. Not to change or to adapt to changes, is like planning for disaster. You WILL go down! One of my clients is a family business. Over the past 20 years they have adapted their business model regularly to weather the ever present “storms” in their industry. They have once again come to a crossroad – should they remain stagnate or should they develop a new business model to remain relevant and thus profitable? Keeping to the status quo is the easy and “popular” option. To be frank – they need to make tough decisions now to ensure that their business remains sustainable.
Companies not willing to make the change have a mindset of being invincible, untouchable, arrogant – may I say STUPID. It reminds me of a slogan that was used many years ago by a motorcycle manufacturer – “Out there on your Kawasaki – nothing can touch you.” Let me give you great advice: You are NOT on a Kawasaki, and yes, you are touchable. Change now or face the certain consequence of losing your business.