Exercise 1:

Replace the blank spaces with one of the following words: somethingsomeonesomewhere or anythinganyoneanywhere 

1 I’ve got ___  in my eye.

2 There is ___  at the door.

3 We haven’t heard ___ about Peter. Is he ill?

4 Do you live ___ near Mandy?

5 ___ wants to see you.

6 Has  ___ seen my bag?

7 My teacher asked me ___.

8 Can I have ___ to drink?

9 Don’t worry. ___ can tell you where the post-office in this town is.

10 I don’t know ___ about it.

Exercise 2:

In the following sentences, can you decide which word is needed? Read the sentence carefully and think about the context. Remember to look out for double negatives!

You can use: something, anything, everything, nothing.

1. I don’t have ___ to eat.
2. There’s ___ in this room making a noise. What is it?
3. There’s ___ wrong with you, you’re perfectly healthy.
4. Do you have ___ you need for the trip?
5. If you need ___ , just call me.
6. That mess has ___ to do with me!
7. There’s ___ important I need to tell you, please could we talk privately
8. ___ must go in our once a year sale!
9. The doctors did ___ they could, but it wasn’t enough.
10. There’s ___ you can say to make me forgive you. I never want to speak to you again.
11. There isn’t ___ left, the burglars took it all.
12. Everyone must bring ___ for lunch.
13. I promise, ___ is fine! I’m just really tired.
14. In my opinion, ___ is more important than family.
15. Argh! ___ just crawled over my foot! 

Exercise 3:

What word do you need to complete the sentence?

You can use: some, anywhere, any, somewhere, anything, anybody, somebody, something.

1. Would you like ______ cake?
2. I’d like ______ more, if there is any.
3. Do you have ______ more cigarettes?
4. I don’t mind which one I have. I’ll be happy with ______ .
5. I don’t want them. I don’t like ______ of them.
6. I don’t like ______ of them but others are OK.
7. Do you know ______ who lives in York?
8. I think I know ______ who lives there but I’ll have to check in my address book.
9. I don’t trust him. There’s ______ strange about him.
10. We don’t know ______ about him.
11. I put my glasses down ______ and now I cannot find them.
12. I have no idea where they are. They could be ______ .
13. I have three sets of car keys and I can’t find ______ of them.
14. I don’t need ______ help. I’m fine.
15. The phone hasn’t rung all morning. I haven’t spoken to ______ .
16. ______ tried to call you earlier but she didn’t want to leave a message.
17. I’m a big fan of Richard Thompson’s music but I don’t like ______ of the songs he has written.
18. I also like Elvis Costello. I would happily listen to ______ of his songs right now.
19. I don’t like the Spice Girls. I don’t like ______ of their songs.
20. I hate doing these English Lessons. ______ fool can see that they are not very well written.