The government will provide … and other myths

All myths, accept it and do your part.

The title of this post was inspired by a book, written by Clem Sunter in 1993. It made such an impression on me and I believe this is even truer today, than when it was first published.
My take is that the government will NOT and does NOT provide, even though many citizens believe, and rightly so, that it is the core duty of government to provide.
If the government did provide, the voters would be justified inĀ  expecting the following:

  • Excellent, world class education
  • Professional medical services
  • Roads and other infrastructure that are safe to use
  • Being safe in your own home
  • First world justice system where the guilty are punished hard and victims have rights
  • A government with integrity and little or no corruption, with nobody being above the law

Am I expecting Utopia? Do I believe in a fairy land where everything is in harmony and everybody is happy? I have never been known as someone with unrealistic expectations. And I will definitely never change this thinking. However, I believe in justice, in being fair and giving everyone a fair chance in life. I also believe that you have to earn your way. Nothing in life is free, and this will never change. I also believe that we have a fantastic Bill of Rights. But, I also believe what this country needs is a Bill of Responsibilities. Every citizen and every government official have responsibilities, and right know, neither is doing that well.
This government does not provide, and the next one will probably also fail to do so. So what should I, as the proverbial man in the street, do about it? I can think of things we should all start doing:

  1. Vote for those that are able and willing to serve the citizens.
  2. Empower yourself with knowledge, there are many opportunities to do so, even at no cost, by utilising the Internet.
  3. Ensure that you go GREEN – install a water tank, get a solar geyser, build environmentally friendly, etc.
  4. Stop waiting for the government to do things, get your community to clean up the area, organise security patrols, recycle, etc.
  5. Live a healthier life, stop supporting unhealthy fast food joints, start walking, cut out sugar, etc.
  6. Become an activist, start organising groups that counter the government’s incompetence, make your voice heard.
  7. Start your own business and stop being dependent on an employer

We should all stop complaining and start doing actively. Forget the fat cats, they are just looking after number one. Now is the time to start standing together with your fellow citizens, and make this the greatest country to life in. Irrespective of creed, colour, religion or whatever, we ALL want and deserve the same things – safety, education, employment and a good life.