Top 10 don’t-do’s when talking to your boss

talking to your boss

Talking to your boss can be difficult; especially when it comes to sensitive topics. Add to that the fact that your first language may not be English and you may have some challenges. Your career is ultimately in your manager’s hands and you need to make sure you can build a good relationship with them, while still staying true to your values and opinions. Here are 10 things you should never do when talking to your boss:

1. Don’t waste his time.

If you have something important to say, say it. Get to the point as quickly as possible and only give the details that are important. Don’t make small-talk or ramble on.

2. Never correct him in front of others.

Everyone hates being corrected in front of an audience. Imagine that you’re the boss and you are trying to deliver important information in the weekly meeting, when an employee comes along and corrects you in front of everybody. If you differ from your boss, discuss it with him in a private meeting.

3. Don’t hide your mistakes and challenges.

It’s disloyal and unethical to hide your mistakes in the workplace. If you’re experiencing challenges, communicate those with your boss. His duty is to guide you and teach you how to progress, if you keep your manager informed, you can tackle the small issues before a big one arises.

4. Don’t confront him when you’re emotional.

You might be super angry that your colleague is handling the new account that you worked so hard to get and want to go and give your boss a good piece of your mind. Whatever you do, give yourself a cool-off period to get your emotions in check. Speaking to your boss erratically will not solve anything, other than drive a wedge between you.

5. Don’t go over someone’s head.

Even if your supervisor doesn’t have the power to effect the change you’re proposing, you must still discuss it with her first. Going over the head of your immediate supervisor will only cause you trouble.

6. Stop waiting for praise.

It’s not high-school and you don’t need a pat on the back for actually doing your job. You need to be confident in the work you’re putting into the world. You wouldn’t have got that position if you weren’t capable of doing it. Your boss isn’t a mind reader so if you are really unsure of your work, simply ask how you did on XYZ project.

7. Don’t cringe on criticism.

Many employees take criticism personally and believe that their boss has a vendetta against them. Remember: your boss has more on his plate than to sit there and plot against you. Criticism is given so you can learn and improve, embrace it, move on and do better next time.

8. Don’t get involved in office politics.

Even if you think your work wife will never rat you out, it’s best to never engage in gossip about your boss or fellow co-workers. Word always tends to get out which can weaken your reputation and your relationship with your manager.

9. Never interrupt.

Even if you think you know better than your boss on a specific topic, never interrupt him while he’s speaking. Always be patient and wait until he has finished so you can offer your opinion in a constructive way.

10. Don’t let his mood affect you.

Does your boss have a Jekyll and Hyde personality? If so, don’t let it bother you. You can’t change who someone is but you can control the way you act. Be aware of your boss’s mood and only talk to him when he is in a good one.

Coaches at Burkley Global have many years of proven experience in business and assisting non-native English speakers in achieving their best in the business environment. Click here to sign up for one of our English Business Coaching packages.

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