Women are superior, well mostly

This is a follow up post to last Monday’s – Fire your male managers. I thought it may be slightly controversial. But all I got was a tremendous applause from my female readers. (and NONE from my male readers.) Why did they thank me for acknowledging a fact? That got me thinking. And all I could think of is that women are so marginalised in their careers that they are incredibly greatful if someone, especially a man, publicly state that women are better managers.

Women are taking the business world by storm

What has become of this world? That we believe and act on things that are false? Is it due to tradition? Because we stopped thinking? Because of intellectual laziness?
Why are women still battling to make it in the corporate world? Why are they consistently being paid lower salaries than their equal (inferior) male colleagues?
This rot has got to stop! Here is to women. Cheers! May more men realise that you are the superior race!
Please contact me if you would like me to address your managers or any group of  people. If you prefer a boring 8-5 presentation, please lose my contact details.

5 Comments to “Women are superior, well mostly”

  1. Tradition plays a big role as well as the fact that a lot of companies are still not accepting the fact that a woman may have to take a leave of absence due to pregnancy. Well, unfortunately thats just how it is. A lot of companies are changing the way they are handling this in the USA. Hopefully others will follow!

  2. Oh that word tradition. So sad that people are too lazy to think. Great to hear that some companies start changing. How can one accellerate the rate of this change?

  3. No Prof Gary, what about our men? Cheers to all the men…I think!
    I really don’t know if women are better managers than men. I have never had a male manager before in any of by companies in 21 years.
    I have always employed women – I not sure why? Maybe it is a men EGO thing. We don’t like competition and women are better to look at as well.
    What my concerns are is the natural order of things. Yes it can change and maybe it will in the future but I still just think a mother is the mother and no man can ever take that place.
    If all the moms start building careers they will aim for high paying high responsibility jobs and we all know how that takes up time.
    Nice high responsibility paying jobs is a killer of men and women’s time and energy. If this happens, and it already does – who is going to be the mom?
    Either the human race is going to die out, as it already is in some first world countries, or we are going to have problem children that always stands last to mummy’s time, not first, as it should be.
    Men can’t fulfill the mother’s role even if some men thing they can….
    So what now? Maybe our world is a bit screwed up. Should we really pressure our women to do our (men’s) jobs?
    Maybe mummy should manage daddy better so he can become a better manager and a better employee. Let him study and learn new skills. If he works hard enough, he should die sooner from a heart attack and she and the children can spend his pension.
    But here is the really scary part. I am worried that sooner or later women’s EGO’s are going to become just as BIG as men’s and THEN we really really going to have a problem!

  4. Good thinking TCG. Yes, NO man can be a mother! But come on, give women a break. All I am saying is that a woman’s touch is great in any business and on every board. Over the years we have treated women as if they are “inferior”, especially in the workplace. That has got to stop. Many women today want a serious career due to various reasons. All I am trying to achieve is to boost them, help them get their confidence back and assure them that men will give them an equal opportunity.

  5. With you 100% – Thanks!

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