YES – YOU can start a business!

Over the years I have coached hundreds of people to open their own business. Starting your own business is one of the most rewarding things you can do, although it is quite challenging. Everyone needs a coach – whether you are a sportsman, family man or a business man (or women of course).

If you really want to - YOU can!
If you really want to – YOU can!

In my experience anyone can start a business (online business or traditional off line business)- as long as      they are serious and really, really want to be successful. Skills can be learned whilst others can be contracted in.
   Many people want to start their own business – for various reasons:
You are fed up by making your boss rich?
You know you can make a lot more money… and have more free time?
You have recently been retrenched and battle to find a new job?
You want to work when it suits you – only 2-4 days per week?
You want to work the hours that suit your lifestyle?
You are tired of doing all the hard work, whilst others get the promotions and the fat salaries?
How can a coach help you to be successful in business?

  • By working with you – step-by-step, walking with you on the exciting journey
  • Showing you the pitfalls and teaching you the secrets to success
  • To maximise your full potential
  • To provide an honest and personal sound board for your business ideas

Coming in APRIL 2013 – Prof Gary is launching an online coaching program

for people who want to start their own business.