You have to do something scary today

“Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” (Christopher Robin to Pooh) ~ A.A. Milne

What will you do today?

I invite you to choose a day to do something scary – why not today? Challenge yourself to do something positive that scares you. If you’re a teacher, maybe today you teach without the text book; or give your students control of their learning; or discuss that controversial issue in class; or talk about humane education with a co-worker or administrator. If you’re an activist, maybe you write that letter to your legislative official; or start that project that’s been lurking in the back of your mind, but has felt too scary to begin; or strive to practice compassion in the face of the world’s horrors. And if you’re a concerned citizen, perhaps today is the day you bike to work; or join that community group.
Today’s a great day (much better than tomorrow) to push yourself to do something you’ve wanted to do to challenge the status quo and build on your passion to create a better you and a better world.
After you’ve done that scary thing, ask yourself: How did it feel? What did you learn?
The only thing that holds you back in life is fear.  The more things you do that are scary, the less scary life feels and the more willing you are to take on the next big challenge.  The reverse is also true.  If you avoid risks at every turn, even the smallest risks can seem overwhelming.  Each time a scary opportunity meets you along your journey, say to yourself… “Awesome! This must be the scary thing I’m supposed to do today!”  Then go do it! And again.